Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals Lab Report

Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals - Lab Report Example The evidence is processed and note taking is performed during serology analysis as this is the first time the evidence is unwrapped in the laboratory. It is the responsibility of the serologists for documenting the type, quality and packaging of the evidence that is received in the laboratory. The serological methods adopted for the Forensic serology examination are straightforward. The identification of biological fluids is performed using presumptive and confirmatory testing. The presumptive encompass sensitive and specific test of the bodily fluid. It narrows the areas to be focused on. It provides the possibility of presence of bodily fluid in the specimen. This may result in false positives and therefore confirmatory tests are performed specific to the bodily fluid (Gefrides, L). Semen is a bodily fluid produced by male individual for fertilization. In the forensic study the semen is simplified in two components: seminal fluid and spermatozoa. Seminal fluid is rich in amino acid s, sugars, salts, ions and other organic and inorganic materials elaborated as a heterogeneous gelatinous mass contributed by seminal vesicles, the prostate gland and Cowper’s glands. Spermatozoa refors to â€Å"sperms†, the male gametes or sex cells produced in the testis. It is evident that all men do not produce spermatozoa, especially those who have had a vasectomy, birth defects or as a result of some diseases, the seminal fluid will either not contain spermatozoa or contain very few. Body fluids like blood, saliva, urine.... It is imperative that the time between the assault and the examination can be a critical factor in the accurate diagnosis of bodily fluids because longer the time span more will be the loss of the evidence (Gefrides, L). The evidence is processed and note taking is performed during serology analysis as this is the first time the evidence is unwrapped in the laboratory. It is the responsibility of the serologists for documenting the type, quality and packaging of the evidence that is received in the laboratory. The serological methods adopted for the Forensic serology examination are straightforward. The identification of biological fluids is performed using presumptive and confirmatory testing. The presumptive encompass sensitive and specific test of the bodily fluid. It narrows the areas to be focused on. It provides the possibility of presence of bodily fluid in the specimen. This may result in false positives and therefore confirmatory tests are performed specific to the bodily fl uid (Gefrides, L). Semen is a bodily fluid produced by male individual for fertilization. In the forensic study the semen is simplified in two components: seminal fluid and spermatozoa. Seminal fluid is rich in amino acids, sugars, salts, ions and other organic and inorganic materials elaborated as a heterogeneous gelatinous mass contributed by seminal vesicles, the prostate gland and Cowper's glands. Spermatozoa refors to "sperms", the male gametes or sex cells produced in the testis. It is evident that all men do not produce spermatozoa, especially those who have had a vasectomy, birth defects or as a result of some diseases, the seminal fluid will either not contain spermatozoa or contain very few. It is therefore imperative to forensically examine the

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