Sunday, May 24, 2020
Solving The Physics Of The Problem - 1393 Words
As the name suggests, there are no basic guidelines for these algorithms, hence it is unsupervised. These algorithms can be used to discover various pattern, divide the data into various clusters, reducing the dimensionality of the dataset for viewing, which may help researchers in better understanding of the physics of the problem. Here, an expert needs to be careful while choosing a certain algorithm and associated parameters for a specific case. Additionally, an expert needs to be very careful while interpreting the findings from these algorithms. One must use the technical aspects regarding the basic physics of the problem so that their results are meaningful and for it to be accepted by the materials research specialists forâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The final result is a tree like structure referred as Dendrogram, which shows the way the clusters are related. User can specify a distance or number of clusters to view the dataset in disjoint groups. In this way, the user can get rid of a cluster that does not serve any purpose as per his expertise. In this case, we used MVA (Multivariate data analysis) node in optimization package: modeFRONTIER (ESTECO, 2015) and other statistical software IBM SPSS (IBMSPSS, 2015) for HCA analysis. Clusters are classified by following measures (ESTECO, 2015) 1. Internal similarity (ISim): It reflects the compactness of the k-th cluster. It must be higher. 2. External similarity (ESim): It reflects the uniqueness of the k - th cluster. It must be lower. 3. Descriptive variables: are the most significant variables that help in identifying cluster elements that are similar to one another. 4. Discriminating variables: are the most significant variables that help in identifying cluster elements that are dissimilar to other clusters. HCA analysis can be used to cross check the findings of SVR analysis mentioned above in the text. 4.3.2 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Principal component analysis can be classified as an unsupervised learning machine-learning algorithm [Mueller et~al., 2015]. It was performed in order to determine correlations
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Did you know that in a 2013 study, 1,668,420 Americans...
Did you know that in a 2013 study, 1,668,420 Americans underwent cosmetic surgery in order to alter their body to fit the body image they view as the norm in society. More and more Americans are complying to undergo cosmetic procedures without understand the possible fatal risks. As medical advancements and improved procedures are being introduced, the risks seem to increase. Since society has placed significant pressure on the physical attributes of adolescents and adults, cosmetic treatments are being performed and considered at an all-time high while compelling potential harmful and fatal consequences. Due to the psychical and psychological hazards of cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery for cosmetic enhancements should be terminated.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By transforming into an ideal beauty, they earn the approval of others and receive positive attention. Some people even have ââ¬Å"coming-out parties.â⬠But while plastic surgery may appear to increase confidence, ità ¢â¬â¢s often an illusion even to the patients themselves, who might confuse real self-esteem with the joy of feeling as though others approve of their appearance. Altering oneââ¬â¢s body can carry with it an undesirable outcome. Changing or altering one section of your body or specific body part can cause another body part to negatively alter itself. For example, if someone undergoes a liposuction procedure in their stomach, that ultimately kills the fat cells in the stomach and then therefore causes an increase in fat cells in thighs or arms (Forbes). Due to this outcome, some procedures wonââ¬â¢t give the patients the desired outcome they hoped to achieve. Also, the recovery of the cosmetic surgery itself can be difficult and leave permanent damage. Enhancement on oneââ¬â¢s body can cause a great deal of psychological problems. Some patients become diagnosed with Body Dimorphic Disorder, or BDD , which is a psychological disorder in which once a patient has one procedu re done, they find another imperfection and feel compelled to go and alter that too. After someone changes one part of themselves, they see all their other body parts as undesirable. In fact, many women who undergo cosmetic surgery have a higher chance of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Bioethics Debate Free Essays
Kristi Ellis Mrs. Scheidt English 1301. 174 11 October 2012 Paper #2 ââ¬â The Bioethics Debate In ââ¬Å"Patenting Life,â⬠by Michael Crichton, and ââ¬Å"Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate,â⬠by Robyn S. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bioethics Debate or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shapiro, they discuss gene patenting, medicine, stem cell research, and the laws of bioethics. According to Crichton and Shapiro, humans are all born with genes, stem cells, and organs that are part of our natural world, yet when the law tries to put limits on these rights it becomes unethical. Crichton and Shapiro both agree about the controversial issues surrounding science and medicine. They both point out the unethical issues, the innovation in medicine, and the impact on science and medicine in relation to the law. In both essays Crichton and Shapiro list many immoralities that arise out of bioethical issues. For instance, Crichton refers to an example of the Canavan disease in which the process to find a cure was halted due to gene patenting. It was a prime example of an issue that was unethical because the owner of the gene for the disease could choose whether or not to charge for a test and choose how much to charge for it, which blocks medical innovations. Crichton states, ââ¬Å"There is no clearer indication that gene patents block innovation, inhibit research and put us all at riskâ⬠(432). Crichton goes on to say that genes are part of humans naturally and should not be privately owned (431). In comparison, Shapiro explains although embryonic stem cells give promise to the medical field, many ethical issues surround it such as the destruction of the embryo. Shapiro also writes that those who denounce embryonic stem cell research believe the embryo is already a human being with rights from conception, while others believe that human rights do not exist prior to birth (435). Additionally, medical advancement is critical for innovation in both essays. Crichton states that gene patenting prevents medical testing and slows medical advancement. Not only does it halt research, but it causes the costs of medical testing to rise because the owner can charge whatever he wants (431). He mentions doctors cannot get information on if a medication will or will not work on someone because the lack of quality tests. Crichton says ââ¬Å"For years weââ¬â¢ve been promised the coming era of personalized medicine ââ¬â medicine suited to our particular body makeup. Gene patents destroy that dreamâ⬠(432). In contrast, Shapiro states that stem cells are important to the medical field because they can turn into a wide array of cell types that can help people with diseases such as diabetes, nervous system diseases, and Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease (434-35). In addition, he says stem cell research could provide important information on how human organs and tissues develop, which could lead to development of new medications (435). In both sources, the law plays a significant role in the unethical issues surrounding science and medicine. Crichton mentions how the United States Patent Office issued gene patents by mistake because of misinterpreted Supreme Court rulings. The issue of gene patents make it hard for people to donate their genes because most of the genes are privately owned (431). Crichton states that two congressman sponsored the genomic research and Accessibility Act, a bill that would ban patenting genes in nature (432). Shapiro denotes the growing importance of the law surrounding bioethical issues. He cites the United States Supreme Court cases of Roe v. Wade and Stenberg v. Carkart which dealt with a partial birth abortion law. Shapiro states, ââ¬Å"In state courts, bioethical considerations inform judgesââ¬â¢ balancing of patient healthcare confidentiality with a ââ¬Å"duty to warnâ⬠of potentially dangerous patient behavior (433). The most significant law Shapiro cites is the Dickey Amendment which prohibits federal funding for embryo research (436). Shapiro mentions in addition to federal funding restrictions, many states have laws that limit embryonic stem cell research. Lastly, he cites the eligibility of federal patent protections significantly, the Thomson Patents (437). In conclusion, both Crichton and Shapiro can conclude the topics of gene patenting and embryonic stem cell research are unethical in some way. Although gene patenting blocks innovation and embryonic stem cell research promotes it, they both have laws that limit the impact on the world of science and medicine. According to Shapiro, ââ¬Å"As these issues have moved to the center of public debate, the law has assumed an increasingly important place in the discipline of bioethicsâ⬠(433). Thus, when the law puts limits on human genetics it becomes unethical and immoral according to both essays in this bioethical debate. WORD COUNT: 740 Works Cited Crichton, Michael. ââ¬Å"Patenting Life. â⬠Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 6th ed. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012. 431-432. Print. Shapiro, S. Robyn. ââ¬Å"Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate. â⬠Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 6th ed. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012. 433-438. Print. How to cite The Bioethics Debate, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
1996 A Turbulent Year for Israel Essay Example For Students
1996: A Turbulent Year for Israel Essay 1996 has been a very turbulent year for Israel. This lies in theassassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995. Rabins great work in thepeace process with its Arab neighbors has been nearly reversed by Israelsnewly elected Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who actively opposed the peaceprocess in the election. Netanyahus term of service has not only affectedIsrael politically but also socially, intellectually, religiously, andeconomically. In dealing with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians Netanyahu wasoriginally quoted saying that he would only meet with Arafat under specialcircumstances and that, the era of one-sided giving was over. WarrenChristopher, Secretary of State for the U.S., was able to arrange a peaceconference with Arafat on the Gaza border. One article called it a ,Psychological breakthrough (Netanyahu meets with Clinton). The issues at handwere Israel fulfilling its pledge to the Palestinians to redeploy its troopsstationed in the West Bank town of Hebron so that they will only guard the 440Jews who live there, from the tens of thousands of Palestinians. Also at issuewere the exit permits given to Palestinians allowing them to go from there jobsin Israel to there homes in Gaza and the and the West Bank. That leads toanother issue over whether or not a rail link between Gaza and the West Bankshould be formed. The major problem with that would be the cost. In the nextround of Israeli-PLO peace talks, both sides could not reach a compromise andafter four hours talks failed. To complicate matters further 3,000 houses wereapproved to be built in the West Bank by the Israeli government. Peace Nowspokesman, Alon Arnon, called the housing, A final burial of the hope ofpeace. (West Bank Settlement Approved) Netanyahu also ended the month byopening a tunnel to Muslim and Jewish Holy sites that resulted in bloody riotsthat killed 76 people. The month of October cooled down a bit with an ice breaking summit inWashington. Netanyahu returned with a change in attitude calling Arafat aperson whom he could resolve problems with. But aside from his change indemeanor no substantial agreements were made. In November Israel went on high alert in fear of an attack planned todisrupt the peace process, possibly on the one year anniversary of the Jihadsleader Fathi Shakaki. Again the peace effort was thrown back when the Israeligovernment announced plans to double the number of Jewish settlers in the WestBank. At one point Netanyahu asked the U.S. and Germany to help use theirinfluence in Iran and Syria to hold the terrorists at bay. Arafat also grewtired of what he considered to be stalling on the part of the Israeli government. He called for plans already agreed to, to be put in motion. Netanyahu thenmakes a statement that he envisions, A Palestinian entity with broad power,but fell short of declaring full independence. One article called this a signthat Netanyahu was, moving towards the Israeli political center.(NetanyahuMulls Palestine Land) Towards the end of November peace talks tookplace aboutthe redeployment of troops in Hebron. The main issue that stalled the talks wasIsraels insistence on written agreements that Israeli troops could chasePalestinian suspects into the city. In December, peace talks continued and as of now a decision was on theverge of being reached once final details were worked out. On January 1, 1997 aJewish military officer, believed to be mentally disturbed ,walked into aPalestinian market and opened fire. Waving after being arrested he said,Hebron, always and forever.Israel also had some serious problems with its Arab neighboringcountries. In September Israeli forces launched air and ground attacks tocounter Lebanese guerrillas who had ambushed an Israeli patrol. The guerrillasare part of Hezbollah, or party of god. Shortly after the attack Lebanon moved300 commandos to the southern border to, as a Lebanese statement says, copewith any Israeli venture in the region. Both Israel and Lebanon are underinvestigation to find if they had broken any cease-fire agreements. Jackie Robinson was the first baseball player to b EssayEconomically Israel has suffered under Netanyahus hard-line attitude. Some cold facts include: Exports rose only 4 percent(a third of the recent average increase) Tourism is down 10 percent Unemployment rose with Israels high tech industry reporting losses. The GNP spent on the military, currently a 10th is now rising. Netanyahu argued that these problems are inherited but experts citerising Arab-Israeli conflict scaring away foreign investment. Koor Industries,Israels largest industrial company reported their third quarter losses at tenpercent. The cause for the loss CEO, Benjamin Gaon, says is Israels highinterest rates and the shekels rise against the U.S. dollar. Towards the end of December Israel, in an attempt to lower the 300million a month deficit by raising taxes. This, experts claim is a result ofIsraels economic slowdown. Jacob Frenkel, the governor of the bank of Israelsays that the government should try to focus more on reducing the governmentspending(50% of the GNP) than raising taxes. Either way Netanyahu has a toughroad ahead of him to try to keep down inflation and taxes while still trying toreduce Israelis debt. Under Netanyahu Israel has seen rough times in all aspects. Netanyahusslow change towards the political center will better serve Israel, but is itgoing to be in time? Netanyahus continued West Bank Housing projects keepinfuriating the Arab world. In Israels future I see more bloodshed but hopestill exists for the peace that Prime Minister Rabin had hoped for before hisassassination. Politically I see peace on the horizon with Arafat and the PLObut see future conflicts with Syria over the Golan Heights. There will berenewed terrorist attacks with the Israeli pullout from Hebron because politicalextremists will not be settled until they obtain all of what they want. Themiddle east is one of the most volatile regions in the world so no one knows forsure what awaits it. Category: Social Issues
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